Motivational factors in a team of national and international professors at a federal public university
Motivation.Content theories. organization. University Education.Abstract
ABSTRACT: This research aims to analyze the motivational factors of the faculty of a federal institution of higher education that has a team of professors from 18 nationalities. We analyze the motivational factors theorized by leading scholars in this area, as well as the cultural aspects involved in this process. In methodological terms, the research had a predominantly quantitative approach of exploratory nature. The method adopted was the case study, with the application of a structured questionnaire and an open question. The research had as audience the professors of the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia - Unilab. The analysis of the information was carried out from the “Theory of Two Factors by Herzberg”, drawing a parallel with the “Theory of Cultural Dimensions by Geert Hofstede''. The data collected comes from a 20-question questionnaire. The results obtained indicate that what motivates the professors of this institution are, namely, the intrinsic factors and that these are directly related to the responsibility of the position, feeling of self-fulfillment and professional progress. The “culture” factor has a strong influence on the motivational dynamics of the faculty, but this theme needs to be deepened.
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